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Professional Framing Services

One of the areas in which Jason Bogert and the team at Bogert Construction excel is framing floors and spaces. Framing refers to using wood or metal and building the skeleton of the floor or walls to create a new room. This comes in handy when completing home renovations and reimagining the shape of a room, replacing a floor or even adding a whole room onto your home.

The Importance of Quality Framing

Framing is not only the first step to a major renovation, it’s the first step to constructing a new home. Arguably, framing is the most crucial part of building anything from a single room to an addition to a complete new structure, because it’s during this process that errors can occur, weakening the structural integrity of the building for its lifespan. Surely you’ve heard someone say about a house, “It’s got good bones.” That means that, while the rooms may not be what you’re looking for, the home is a quality structure due to the framing before final construction.
That’s why framing is so important, even when you’re only making a relatively small home renovation (compared to building a house from the ground up, of course). Any time you’re removing a wall, moving it somewhere else or changing the shape of a room, your home’s frame is being changed and it needs to be compensated for by a team that knows exactly what it’s doing.

The framing (and re-framing) process

The process of framing a new living space inside your home or as an addition is done by ensuring that the structure is able to bear the weight of the walls and other parts of the structure around it. For example, if you’re adding a two-story addition to your home, the framing process is crucial to ensuring the first story is able to bear the weight of the second. Most renovations don’t involve adding multiple stories to a home, but there are times when the structural integrity of a wall is questioned.

When you move a wall or want to knock it out completely, for example, there are questions to answer before going forward: Are there load-bearing beams as part of this wall? If so, the team remodeling your space has to work around them or find a different way to offset weight on this part of the frame.

If this sounds complicated, it’s because it is. Framing is one of the most important and intricate parts of adding, subtracting or renovating rooms and walls in your home, which is why you need a team of experts to handle it whenever you remodel. That’s just one of the many ways in which the team at Bogert Construction demonstrates our unmatched value.
When you have plans to remodel a room or an entire part of your home, talk to an expert from Bogert Construction about framing services.

For more information about framing, contact us today! (765) 607-1684

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